Currently Digging: crackers and garlic-hummus
I just have to brag about this. So let me. I can't really remember how I did all this. It was last year's meal.
THERES NO RECIPE... coz i can't follow them. I suck at it!! There's directions to guide me though...
I'd rather experiment on something and fix it if it's not good, rather than following a recipe! I JUST CANT DO IT! what's wrong with me?THERES NO RECIPE... coz i can't follow them. I suck at it!! There's directions to guide me though...
Anyways.. too much blah!
Y? it gives just enough camelization, a little crunch and still taste the veggie by itself.
I also tried making chicken balls using the oven instead of frying it. it turned out juicy and nice!! I remember I seasoned it with poultry seasoning, chili powder, ketchup, garlic and onion powder, salt and pepper. But can't remember oven temp and how long i cooked it! tsk.....
Check out my plate! It's healthy and delicious!
We serve it with more veggies: boiled napa cabbage and green beans with oystersauce.
TOP with my favorite: fried garlic slivers!
But the best is still to come the next day! The leftovers are just perfect for my lunch at work... balance diet.. healthy delicious... portion controlled! LOVE IT!
the question is: can i do this again???